Can I simply tell you how wonderful you are? May seem like a simple thing to you, but you just restored my faith in mankind (no small thing). Thank you for your kind and speedy response.
D.E., Kentucky
I was afraid of algebra equations. After using Algebrator, the fear has vanished. In fact, I have almost started enjoying doing my algebra homework (I know, it is hard to believe!)
Susan Freeman, OH
For years, I paid for an expensive program for my daughter that was nothing more than a glorified tutoring. At my daughters teachers suggestion, I bought your software program. Shes already done so much better that I realize I should have bought it for her a long time ago and saved money!
Camila Denton, NJ
Hi, I wanted to comment on your software, not only is it really easy to follow, but I can hide the step by step procedures, or choose to show them. Also, the fact that it explains how to use the rules.
Ann Wills, KY
I have never been so confident with algebra before this. I will surely recommend Algebrator to all my friends.
Leeann Cook, NY