Thank you and congratulations for your impressive Algebra program which truly it helped me a lot with my math.
Trish Cooper, CO
Algebra problems solving techniques are what you will receive and learn when you use the Algebrator; it is one of the best learning software programs out there.
Ken Rogers, LA.
I was afraid of algebra equations. After using Algebrator, the fear has vanished. In fact, I have almost started enjoying doing my algebra homework (I know, it is hard to believe!)
Alan Cox, TX
Your new release is so much more intuitive! You team was quick to respond. Great job! I will recommend the new version to other students.
Tabitha Wright, MN
When kids who have struggled their entire lives with math, start showing off the step-by-step ability to solve complex algebraic equations, and smile while doing so, it reminds me why I became a teacher in the first place!
Maria Leblanc